Thursday, July 24, 2008

First Few Days Of Invisalign

Me.. It really bothers me sometimes that I have to smile up and sideways to get a good picture.. Oh Well.. Invisalign will help me along my journey.. Hopefully!
(This blog made July 22, 2008)
Hey Guys, I’m going to try to document my progress on this website. Today is my first day wearing the invisalign braces. They don’t really hurt. Only a slight pressure on my lower teeth and almost no pressure on my upper teeth (which in a way concerns me). I have heard that invisalign is only for minor cases and it wouldn’t work well for really bad cases such as mine. I have an overbite (thumbsucker). I can fit 1/4 of an inch of my index in my mouth with my jaw closed. Its that bad.. Also I have crowding. I am praying that I did not spend $6500 for no reason. I found my orthodontist on the invisalign website. He is one of the elite and received 2 out of 2 stars, which means he’s done over a hundred cases. He says Invisalign will work as well as braces, but from all of these reviews and non perfect teeth experiences.. I’m a little scared.

The front of my teeth with the invisalign in.

The Left Side

The Right Side

Day 1
It feels a bit uncomfortable, but not too bad and I hate feeling pain. I hope these things work out for the best. My next appointment is in 2 weeks. I will be getting the attachments and my Ortho will show me how my teeth will move in time. My estimated time wearing the aligners is 15 months. I hope things go as planned.

Day 2
I woke up this morning with my tongue extremely irritated from scratching the edge of the bottom aligner and my teeth are pretty sore. Two of my upper teeth hurt really bad. I had to take an advil, so I guess it's working!

Day 3
I woke up this morning with minimal discomfort. (Not too bad, I guess). Strangely, instead of my upper teeth hurting again, it was the lower left teeth in the back. I thought that was weird, but that made it waaay harder to chew. I ended up chewing with mostly the right side. Everything is good I guess, I am hoping to see progress soon. It is a bit annoying having to brush my teeth about 4 times a day, but If I am going to get nice teeth in return; that's a swell bargain lol.

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